Decks & Sheds
Searching for a Reputable Custom Deck Builder Near Palmer, AK?
Enhance your home’s value with an outdoor deck or make organization easier with a specialty storage shed created by H Construction. Choosing the right custom patio builder for your home in Big Lake, Butte, Eagle River, Lazy Mountain, Palmer, Sutton, Wasilla, and the greater Matanuska-Susitna Valley region can make a big difference when winter weather is at its worst. From a wrap-around porch to a sunny pergola, you can trust H Construction to use the best materials to create a sturdy outdoor living space or storage solution that your family can enjoy for years to come.
Design Services
At H Construction, we’re your friends and neighbors in the Mat-Su Valley, and we understand the difference that quality makes, especially working on a personal budget.
Your custom patio builder experience includes professional design services, creating a unique look for your deck or other outdoor construction project. Our dedicated teams, including any subcontractors, are licensed, bonded, and insured, so you can always trust our work. H Construction understands the stresses that your outdoor structures may be under in our part of the country, and we have the right techniques to ensure their stability and strength. Our mission is your vision.

Have Questions?
If you have any questions regarding our business or the custom decks and sheds we can provide, please reach out to us today!